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The incidence of baldness is on the increase among various age groups but there are various treatment options, including hair transplant under expert hand
By Dr Amrendra Kumar


Sudhir Mishra, 30, a Delhi-based teacher, was experiencing the problem of baldness since few years. The regular hair loss brought down his confidence and social activities. When Sharma consulted us, after evaluation of his situation we came to a conclusion that he was having baldness of Grade VI. As per examination, the cause of hair loss in his case was Androgenetic Alopecia (most common cause of baldness in males). At that stage, it was a difficult task to restore the natural hair through medical treatment. Even in case of hair transplantation, chances of obtaining 100% satisfactory results, i.e. overcoming the baldness, were minimum. We suggested him to opt for the best hair transplant method using the B.E.S.T FUE (Bio Enhanced Simultaneous Transplant Follicular Unit Extraction) method, under the hand of best hair transplant surgeon. The result was surprising not only to Sharma but also to doctors. Sharma was very happy with the results and said that it became a turning point in his life.
Sharma’s is not an isolated case, there are many others who are also suffering from the problem of hair fall, which eventually leads to baldness. People today are more prone to baldness than the earlier generations. According to a study conducted by Shankar DK, Chakravarthi M and Shilpakar R. on male Androgenetic Alopecia, the baldness begins between 30 and 50 years of age, and is more prominent after the age of 50 years. Here we take a close look at baldness- its stages, causes, effects and treatments possible.
Baldness means an excessive hair loss which is irreversible. On an average, it takes 15 to 25 years to go completely bald, but some people come across this situation in less than five years. Here are the main causes due to which this happens.
Androgenetic Alopecia: It is a genetic sensitivity to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) hormone which leads to miniaturization of hair roots and death of the roots at the end. Once your hair roots get destroyed, they never get restored naturally. In other words, you face thinning and shortening of hairs.
Since the impact of hormone relies on the hereditary factor (genes), the baldness runs from generation to generation. The notable thing about the hair loss due to genetic problem is that the hair on the lower back and side of the scalp show less sensitivity to the hormone and thus, less baldness is observed in these areas. Also, as the females have less amount of this hormone, they are less prone to genetic baldness than males.

Lifestyle: Using dyes, straighter, gels, bleaches, etc. also affect the health of your hair. Stress also adds to the hair loss.

Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol: These products include carbon monoxide, which prevent the flow of oxygen and other nutrients to the hair follicles. Thus, the hair become weak and fall down.

Diet & Nutrition: The deficiency of proper nutrition also causes hair loss.

Illness and Medication: Various medicines and medical treatments cause hair loss. For example, cancer chemotherapy intrudes the hair follicles which causes hair fall in excess.

Male and Female Baldness Pattern:
Both the genders face baldness, but in different manners. Thus, the male baldness pattern is different from female baldness pattern.
Hair loss begins from the front in case of males and spreads towards the scalp and finally at the back, leaving a band of hair above the ears and at the back of the head. The baldness in the case of women starts with thinning of hair on the scalp area which becomes more significant gradually. And at last, the scalp is visible at the top of the head.

Baldness leaves a significant impact on your life. It not just affects you physically, but mentally also. Here are the things you might come across due to Premature Baldness:
• Dissatisfaction with your physical image: The loss of hairline changes your facial appearance. The focus gets shifted from your face to the forehead, which results in an aged-look!
• Low Self-Esteem: As you won’t be satisfied with your physical appearance, your confidence would go down. This, in the long run, results in depression and other mental issues.
• Social Teasing: When the hair loss reaches a visible stage, you become a toy in the hands of others. It has been studied that 60% of bald men had faced teasing and humiliation due to baldness at some point in their lives.

Treatments Available:
If you find almost no hair on the front portion of your head, you need not lose your heart! Also, there is no need for going for temporary solutions like caps, wigs, and so on. You can get rid of baldness through medical treatments.

Consult dermatologists to take medicines to treat hair loss. The two highly-recommended, FDA-approved medicines are Minioxidil (Regaine) and Finasteride (Propecia).
Finasteride leads to the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. The hair follicles no more get affected by the hormone and thus, result in hair growth. When you rub the Minioxidil lotion on your scalp each day, it increases the thickness of the hair. These medicines have to be taken daily for a longer period of time. Otherwise, the hair loss would begin again. Also, there are various side effects of this medication. Apart from these two medications, PRP (Plasma Rich Platelet) therapy and low laser light therapy is also in practice.

The scalp surgery like Hair transplant is the ultimate solution to hair loss. It is a hair restoration treatment that involves taking off hair follicles from the donor site (usually the back of the head) and transplant them on the recipient site (area facing baldness; usually the front portion of the head).
There are different types of hair transplant available in Delhi and across the world. In fact, we provide PRP, Bio-FUE, B.E.S.T FUE and many other hair restoration treatments. The concept is same, but the technique used as well as the results are different.
• FUT Method: In Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), a strip of hair grafts is taken from the back of the scalp. The hair follicles are harvested from the strip and then they are transplanted to the bald area individually.
• FUE Method: In case of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), the individual units of hair follicles are extracted randomly from the donor area in such a manner that the hair density decreases but in an unnoticeable manner. These follicles are then transplanted using special equipment under the effect of local anaesthesia. It takes about 4-12 hours for this minor outpatient surgery.
• To increase the survival rate of the transplanted hair, two advance methods of FUE are used in DermaClinix, namely Bio-Stimulated & B.E.S.T FUE Method.
• Bio Stimulated FUE Method: In this case, the scar-less hair transplant is done along with 3 sessions of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy which accelerate the hair growth and minimizes the recovery time.
• B.E.S.T (Bio Enhanced Simultaneous Transplant) FUE Method: It is the most advanced FUE method till date and is widely used all over the world including our clinic. In this case, 3 sessions of PRP therapy and inclusion of liposomal ATP are given in addition to the hair transplantation treatment. This serves the hair roots with the appropriate growth factors and, thus, results in hair growth. It also improves the quality of existing hair and recovery at the targeted sites. It is preferable for VIP/ Celebrity clients. We find this treatment as the ultimate hair transplant treatment and suggest the same to all. In fact, Sudheer has also undergone a B.E.S.T FUE treatment.

FUT V/S FUE Method:
FUT is chosen over the other by the surgeons since it allows them to transplant more and more hair in a single session. FUE method is better since it leaves no scar on the donor site. It is possible to go for multiple sessions in FUE. This means you can get hair back even in case of higher grade baldness.
No one would be able to identify that you have undergone a hair transplant. Moreover, you won’t be restricted to have short hair or rest for a longer period of time. As per our hair transplant surgeons and dermatologists throughout the world, the risk of side effects is less and the recovery is fast in case of FUE than that in FUT. Since it offers such a sophisticated results, FUE is expensive than FUT.

Who can go for a Hair Transplant?
Hair transplant surgery is not restricted to those only who have bald head. You can have this treatment in case:
• You have scarring areas due to some injury or skin disease.
• You want to restore or modify the shape of the hairline.
• You have the desire to thicken or recover eyebrow hair, beard hair, eyelashes, etc.

(The author is a senior Dermatologist)

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