Making Greener Choices

Adopting sustainable habits in daily life is crucial for combating environmental challenges and promoting a healthier planet. By embracing these changes, individuals can work towards ensuring a brighter future for generations to come while enhancing their personal well-being.

By Dr Suneela Garg/Dr Arvind Garg


Every year, World Environment Day (WED) is observed to raise awareness about critical environmental issues such as climate change, global warming, deforestation, and the loss of biodiversity. In light of the urgent challenges, we face, here are some key issues that require public attention:

On June 5, 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm, Sweden. To honour this day, the world celebrated its first WED in 1973.

WED is celebrated annually with a specific theme addressing immediate problems, ranging from climate change to deforestation. This year, the theme is “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience.” According to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, up to 40 per cent of the planet’s land is degraded, directly affecting half of the world’s population. The number and duration of droughts have increased by 29 per cent since 2000. Without urgent action, droughts may affect over three-quarters of the world’s population by 2050, stated the UN on their official website.

Nature is our only home. However, over time, human activities have depleted natural resources and exploited nature. It is high time we start mending our ways and preserving nature. Every year, WED is observed to urge people to pledge to save the planet. WED focuses on creating awareness about the importance of sustainable approaches and ensuring that we do our bit to save nature and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs).

It is alarming that one million of the world’s estimated eight million species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction due to climate change. The enormity of this crisis is evident everywhere. In May-June 2024, Delhi recorded India’s highest temperature at 52.3 degrees Celsius. In the last 170 years, 2.4 trillion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) have been added to our atmosphere, half of which was added in the last 50 years. Dozens of species of plants and animals go extinct each day – nearly 1,000 times the natural rate. By mid-century, as many as 30-50 per cent of the species on Earth will have disappeared. Nearly 27 per cent of coral reefs have been destroyed, and the United States alone throws away enough plastic bottles in a week to encircle the Earth five times!

Considering the enormous loss of biodiversity, carbon dioxide emissions, and the vanishing of plant and animal species, here are a few sustainable ways to pledge to save the planet:

Planting Trees: Many environmental issues can be addressed by planting more trees. Human activities have led to widespread deforestation, but with collective effort, we can reverse this trend. By planting more saplings in our backyards and communities, we can contribute to a greener planet.

Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle: These three R’s can significantly improve our environment. By reusing items, recycling materials, and reducing waste in our daily lives, we can create a healthier environment.

Conserve Water: Water is a crucial resource. By taking shorter showers, ensuring taps are not left running, fixing leaks, and using water-efficient appliances, we can conserve water and prevent a future water crisis.

Eco-Friendly Transportation: Instead of using transportation modes that contribute to air and noise pollution, we can switch to eco-friendly options. For shorter distances, bicycles can be used. Electric vehicles are a sustainable alternative to conventional ones.

Volunteer for a Cleanup: Littering, especially near seas and neighbourhoods, poses significant health hazards. Volunteering for cleanups can help improve the environment’s health and aesthetics.

Reduce Food Waste, Turn Vegetarian: Avoid throwing away vegetable and fruit peels; use them as compost. Reducing meat consumption or going vegetarian can significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, and reduce deforestation rates. Implement sustainable practices at home, such as composting food waste, using energy-efficient appliances, and conserving water with low-flow fixtures.

Gradually Shift Towards a Plant-Based Diet:

Incorporate more fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds into your meals. Buy local and seasonal produce whenever possible. Growing your own vegetables and practicing conscious eating by appreciating each meal and reducing food waste can significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances. This approach also supports local farmers.

Use Natural Remedies Whenever Possible:

Avoid taking pills every time you catch a cold or have a headache. Instead, use natural remedies and holistic health practices such as herbal teas, kadhas, acupuncture, and meditation to maintain wellness. This reduces reliance on pharmaceuticals and their environmental impact.

Exercise Outdoors and Stay Close to Nature:

Opt to exercise in parks or natural surroundings instead of driving to a gym. Activities like hiking, running, or practicing yoga in nature strengthen your connection with the environment.

Prefer Walking and Cycling for Commuting:

While it may take some time to transform your habits, choosing to walk or cycle for short distances can help reduce air pollution and combat sedentary lifestyles. These forms of active transportation not only decrease greenhouse gas emissions but also provide regular exercise.

Adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle:

Simplify your life by decluttering and reducing possessions. This not only reduces stress but also minimises waste and resource consumption.

Reduce Plastic Use:

Opt for eco-friendly and biodegradable products for your home and personal care needs. Use reusable bags, choose natural cleaning products, and reduce plastic use. Switching to biodegradable disposables helps decrease plastic waste and its environmental impact, supporting a sustainable lifestyle and protecting the planet for future generations.

By integrating these sustainable practices, clean nutrition, regular exercise, and holistic lifestyle changes into your daily routine, you can contribute to a healthier planet and enhance your personal well-being from childhood to adulthood.

(The authors are Chair Programme Advisory Committee NIHFW, New Delhi, and Director Child Care Clinic, Head of Paediatrics, Apollo Hospitals Noida.)

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