Nourishing a healthy workforce

Antriksh India makes it a point to ensure that all staff members follow a wholesome work culture to stay healthy

R akesh Yadav, Antriksh India Chairman and one of the founder members of Antriksh Group, has a rich experience of working in the real estate sector for the past more than 35 years. He has built an organisation with a work culture that places due importance on the need to stay healthy for all employees. Today most people consider good health and healthy living as activities that are consciously chosen, or something that only those who are into sports can fully achieve. But imagine a culture that empowers every employee to enjoy the bliss of good health. Rakesh Yadav makes his own lifestyle as an example to inspire his workforce to take utmost care of their health.
Yoga is an ultimate option to keep oneself healthy and energised. The company organises yoga workshops on a regular basis to trend the workers for optimal yoga practices and imbibe yoga in their lifestyle. He himself makes it point to practise yoga daily.
Rakesh Yadav is a firm believer in doing regular physical exercise. He has seen to it that all employees in his organisation follow a daily practice of exerting their body to keep themselves fit.The workplace at Antriksh India is always sparklingly clean as highest standards of hygiene are strictly followed. Rakesh Yadav has promoted the following good habits among his staff.
1) Clean hands: Washing hands whenever required is the primary requirement to keep illness at bay. Although it may seem obvious, many don’t keep their hands clean and dirt free, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and after sneezing or coughing. But not so at Antriksh India where employees maintain strict hand hygiene.
2) Clean workspace: The average desk harbours hundreds of times more bacteria than a toilet seat. The company encourages employees to keep their work area neat and organized. Every desk is sanitised to wipe away dirt on a routine basis.
3) Inhaling fresh air: At Antriksh India, during lunch hour, employees are encouraged to go outdoors to provide themselves with their daily dose of vitamin D. They invigorate themselves by going outside and taking a brisk walk around the office building, or calm themselves from a hectic day by simply sitting and meditating quietly for a few minutes, surrounded by greenery.
Says Rakesh Yadav, “We believe that striving toward a culture of health will help us increase productivity, working capacity and most importantly, ensuring the overall well-being of our staff. Still, making health habits an integral part of life requires collective spirit and efforts. I certainly cannot do it alone. Nonetheless, I firmly believe the vision of a healthy workforce is within the reach of our organisation, and I am doing my bit to inspire each one of our team members to strive towards this goal.”

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