Out of Breath

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, also known as COPD, is a chronic lung ailment which makes it difficult for the sufferer to breathe. It calls for particular care during winters

By Dr GyanenDra Agrawal

COPD is a progressive, long term lung ailment which makes it difficult for the sufferer to breathe and may be a cause of serious concern at times. When you suffer from COPD, the flow of air from the lungs gets partially blocked and the condition of the patient may get worse over time, if not treated immediately. Smoking is considered the primary cause behind occurrence of COPD. But there are a few other factors too. Environmental factors along with genetic problems can also cause COPD. Among the environmental factors, long time exposure to biomass fuels like chulha/sigri, excessive dust/dirt, air pollution, working with chemicals at work can also be the underlying cause of COPD.

In most cases, COPD remains undiagnosed because most of its symptoms are similar to other respiratory diseases. The common symptoms of COPD are progressive breathlessness and excessive cough with mucus, which may get exacerbated during exposure to smoke, dust or even allergens. The doctor may suggest a lung function test called ‘Spirometry’. In this test, obstruction in the airways (air tubes carrying air in and out of the lungs) can be measured in an objective way.

After diagnosing COPD, the first thing that all the doctors suggest a patient is to quit smoking. After that medicine is prescribed by the doctors to widen the passage of airway and to reduce the swelling in the airways. Besides, medicines are also given to treat any infection, which may further cause swelling in the airways.

Treatment of COPD is simple and with regular medications one can lead a normal life. COPD medicines are usually available in the form of inhalers which can be easily taken.

Inhalers are one of the most effective and safest forms of taking medications for respiratory ailments. The drug directly reaches the lungs and does not get mixed with the blood, which may be the cause of side effects as it happens with oral therapy. The dosages of most medications in inhalers are very low, usually in micrograms; unlike tablets or syrups which contain drugs in milligrams. There is no drug in these inhalers, which have the potential of addiction or habit forming.

People suffering from this ailment should avoid dusty surrounding. While going out, it is advisable to use a mask to protect oneself from dust, smoke or pollution. Also, it is recommended to avoid strong smells or fumes.

(The author is Consultant, Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Jaypee Hospital)

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