Patient, Heal Thyself

If you are a diabetic, do not burden your life with insulin therapy or oral medication with their serious side effects. You can overcome this disease without any medication, if you adopt a three-pronged strategy of a micronutrient rich diet, herbal food supplements & exercise. To know more, read on …
Dr Harmohan Dhawan

Of all the lifestyle diseases, diabetes & obesity are twins and spreading like an epidemic the world over. Decades of countless scientific studies and research over the years have emphatically proved that proper nutrition is many times more effective than most drugs and pills at reversing, curing and eliminating disease. Nutrition is such a potent weapon with which you can not only prevent but can control other lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure, constipation, acidity, thyroid, arthritis, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease (nephrites), hair loss, dandruff, various cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer etc. Recently,doctors in the United States including Dr Neal Barnard, President Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, a team of doctors at the International Council for Truthin Medicine, Dr Joel Fuhrman, and many others through their scientific researches have established that we can achieve optimal health without any medication.
Naturopathy is a science & a way of life by which we can naturally not only prevent but reverse various lifestyle diseases. Naturopathy believes that the body has an innate amazing ability to heal itself. It treats the cause of the disease rather than the symptoms. The industrially produced synthetic drugs are all chemicals and all of them have side effects. Allopathy does “control” the symptoms of the disease but not the cause of it. It rather suppresses the disease and one has to live a diseased life with the help of various synthetic drugs.
Both humans and animals have the most powerful inbuilt mechanism of healing themselves naturally.While animals in the wild instinctively know how to heal themselves,humans have all but forgotten this knowledge because of our lost connection with nature. Scientists have closely observed as to how the animals take care of their wellbeing.
Wild animals do not rely on industrially produced synthetic drugs and supplements to cure their illness. The medicines they require are available in their natural environment. However, it raises questions as to how humans can supplement healthcare with natural remedies as the animals do. Let us learn from the animals. There are no veterinary doctors in the forests to treat their illness. They know very well to treat themselves with naturally occurring plants in their environment. For instance, dogs will eat grass when they have digestive problems. Chimpanzees in Tanzania,when infected with parasites, eat vernonia which was found to have anti-parasitic and antimicrobial properties. Colobus monkey in Zanzibar eats charcoal that counteracts toxic phenols which is produced by the mangoes and almonds leaves they eat. Some species of South American parrot eat soil with a high kaolin content which neutralizes the toxin effect of the seeds they eat.
As per diagnostic parameters till 1997, the fasting blood sugar level of 140mg/dl was consideredto be normal and healthy. It is surprising that an expert panel reduced the fasting blood sugar level of 140mg/dl to 126mg/dl. Millions of people the world over became diabetic overnight by this revised level of fasting blood sugar level. To make things worse the American Diabetes Association in 2003 further reduced the fasting blood sugar level of 126mg/dl to 100mg/dl that means all those who were healthy prior to this suddenly fell in the category of diabetics. Who did this all? You will be surprised that The diabetes drug manufacturing companies like Merck, Elli Lily, GSK, Pfizer and other manage the American Diabetes Association and many other such organizations.
The pharma companies resort to unethical measures to increase their sales and profits. They are unconcerned about the human sufferings. Just imagine the mental, physical pain and agony besides the financial burden the patient has to live all through their lives. The multibillion dollar pharmaceutical companies are so powerful that they are sponsoring and writing curriculum for the medical education. They influence the medical associations and the doctors to prescribe their drugs. The money power of these companies is so huge and strong that they influence the policy of the government so that they earn more and more profits. The nexus stands exposed between the drug companies and the leading respected organizations including the American Diabetes Association, American Cancer Society, Harvard university, American College of Cardiology and about 91 others research organizations had been receiving funds from these companies. Obviously, this financial relationship was used to suppress the truth about the power of nutrition in reversing diabetes and its role in achieving optimal health.
Doctors are not trained in the power of nutrition. They are trained to prescribe drugs and other medicines. They are not allowed by law to even mention natural ways to cure illness for disease using anything other than the prescription drugs. They are taught to believe that the drugs are the only way to prevent and cure various diseases.
According to International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there are 6.9 million people with diabetes in India, the second highest number in the world after China which has 109 million people with diabetes. At this rate India, may become the diabetes world capital by 2030. Every 10 seconds a person dies of diabetes-related complications & every 10 seconds, 2 people are diagnosed of diabetes. The numbers of diabetes deaths have doubled over the last 11 years. In 2015, 3, 46,000 people died of diabetes in India. Diabetes is a chronic medical condition, which, if not controlled, can lead to serious health complications like blindness, kidney damage, nerve damage (neuropathy), impotency, various cardiovascular diseases and even foot amputationn.
We at Dhawans Nature Cure, a not-for-profit organization, after eight years of extensive research & trials, have successfully treated hundreds of diabetic patients who were on insulin therapy along with oral medication. High dosage of insulin has side effects as it results in weight gain & excess weight requires more insulin. The patient is trapped in this vicious circle of excess weight and insulin. Besides the increase in the body weight, the insulin hardens the arteries. It has been observed that 80 percent of the diabetic patients who are on insulin therapy die of heart attack.
Depending upon the metabolism of our patients, we took them off insulin within 3-20 days and all oral medications within six months. All of them are leading a happy healthy life now. While treating the patients, we adopt a three-pronged strategy of a micronutrient rich diet, herbal food supplements & exercise. Our body needs energy at regular intervals and we must eat six meals of small portion in the whole day. We design the menu of individual patient specifying what, when & how much to eat. We recommend the foods that are the richest in nutrients and low in calories. We lay emphasis in lots of raw vegetables (salads) cooked green vegetables & soups. Eat as much as you like. Fruits, Nuts, seeds and pulses are the healthy foods which are an important part of the Dhawans eating plan that meets all the nutritional requirement of the body. To achieve quick results, we advise patients to avoid animal products, all processed, refined foods and make minimal use of cooking oil.

(The author is ex Civil Aviation Minister and Presently National BJP Executive Council)

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